In the Shadows (2001)


Plot: When a stunt man dies in Miami, his uncle, a New York mob boss, sends a hit man to tail the stunt coordinator, whom the boss wants dead. The hit man, Eric O'Bryne, gets close to his mark's daughter, and through her he asks her dad to teach him to do stunts. While waiting for the word to kill this mentor, Eric discovers the joy of stunt work and of being part of a family. Meanwhile, several people are looking for the dead man's briefcase of money and a cloth bag of illegal drugs that he stole from an undercover FBI agent now desperate to get the borrowed drugs back to the bureau. The stunt coordinator says that 'we dance in the shadows of death.' Can Eric step out into the sun?

Alternative Plot: Hit man Eric O'Byrne (Matthew Modine) has orders from the mob: kill Hollywood stunt coordinator Lance Huston (James Caan). In order to make the hit, Eric travels to Florida and insinuates himself into Lance's world as a stuntman. He also slips into a dangerous romance with Lance's daughter, Clarissa (Joey Lauren Adams). As time draws near to O'Byrne deadly act, he starts to grow a conscience -- a development that could be his greatest asset or his fatal weakness.

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