Movie Genres


Characters of heroes fight against the odds in incredible challenges! Violence, persecution, agony. Always with the risk of their lives. Of course in the end, they always win!


Movies for the grown ups - especially the male ones, performed by provocative, good shaped women who really don't care about what they wear (IF they wear)


Mighty heroes try to survive by exploring unknown territories. Elves, pirates, time travel, superheroes, jungles, treasures and spies create impressive scenes and tough situations!


Animation, cartoon, comics, call them however you like it. Originally made for the youngest audiences, they now impress the grown ups too thanks to the modern animation technology


Important personalities of the human kind live again through our screen. Always based on real events, these films narrate the lives of historical people of earlier or modern times


The masterpieces of the seventh art, most of them are very old films. Anyone who has not seen Citizen Kane, Metropolis or Casablanca has no interest in this category


Emphasising on humor. Unbelievable situations make the heroes tragically funny. Although thera are thousands of them and all enjoyable, you will hardly find a really good comedy


Terrorists, armed robberies, mafia, drugs, serial killers and endless murders keep us at the edge of the couch for hours. An if that is a serie, it's even better!


Earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, meteorites, volcanoes, fires and even monsters constantly threaten to destroy our planet. Will the heroes manage to save us all?


A movie is one thing, a documentary is another. There are no roles, performances or emotional situations. We are talking about strictly off-the-stage situations, with informational or educational purposes


The genre with the most movies of course. Every movie has a bit of drama, a tiny tear. Love, death, disease, poverty - each separately or all together, they always touch a woman's heart!


Movies unsuitable for minors. Not pornographic though. The protagonist is usually provocative and does not feel very comfortable with clothes. And the male hero, well, you know what he is thinking...

European Cinema

For the more intellectual cinephiles and Hollywood disapprovers. The main volume comes from French films, followed by Spain, Italy and England films


Most movies for kids usually fit to the family genre too (altough the latter always must have a plot). The difference is that these movies are not that boring for the grown-ups!


Unreal scenarios and heroes with magic, supernatural powers, mythology, fantasy worlds and immortal heroes tell us stories like a fairy tale beyond reality


This is a very specific genre that refers to films shot in the 40's and 50's in America. And as the name implies, they are shot in black and white, with low lighting

Greek Cinema

Don't get confused, this is a very useful category when you are navigating to the Greek version of our website!


These films follow real events and real heroes in specific periods of time in history. Of course sometimes they just don't settle with the real facts, especially in Hollywood productions


First anxiety, then fear, then terror. Initially inspired by great horror novels, they were first released after the '70s and since then, hundreds of them are released every year. The terror of the cinephiles


Well, thatss easy! Most of these movies belong to the animation or/and family genre. But it's nice to have a quick filter your our youngiest audience!

Martial Arts

Α martial art is not a sport and it deserves it's own genre. Karate, taekwondo, aikido, ziu zitsu, kung fu, tai chi, judo, kick boxing. Bruce Lee, Jet Lee, Chuckie Chan, Chuck Norris. The beating never stops!


Concerts, famous international stars, playing live on stage. We watch and learn how they rose to the music dome or even how their star fade out. All these with lots of background music!


Plot and parts of the performances are done through singing and are usually accompanied by dance. Do the titles The Sound of Music, The Wizard of Oz or Grease ring you a bell?


A detective (usually) tries to find the key to a problem or a crime. We know that in the end he will find it - he has just to suffer a lot until then


Another informal category. Conspiracies and intrigues, power and corruption, mainly coming from America. Have you ever counted how many Hollywood movies the so-called President of the US appears in?


It is ulikely to choose the passions of Christ to spend the night. Subcategory of historical films, created mainly for classification purposes


Love stories, emotions such as passion, hatred and pain participating in the greatest battle of the human kind. Usually with a portion of drama or comedy, but always romantic


They refer to future eras, with unbelievable developments in technology and science. Their favorite subjects are space, aliens and cultures on other planets


If you have a maximum of 30 minutes to watch a movie, short films offer you a good deal. For your information, all movies were like that in the dawn of cinema!


A category of Greek and Indie origin. As you can easy understand, these are films about the society - very few aren't. Always dramatic


Sports exists also in cinema, although there are not many films exclusively on this subject. Most of them are biographies presenting the lives of important athletes


Facing the sea, the snowy mountains or the wild jungle, our stars are confronted with the wild elements of nature. Will they manage to survive?


Be careful: do not to confuse thriller with horror films. Thrillers are the films that create agony - horror is more about blood. Even a drama can be a thriller - a comedy, not so much

TV Series

Endless hours of watching, never-ending seasons of episodes. A movie kind that has its root back in the '70s in the US and has now become a TV standard of our home entertainment


Here we have something very specific! Romantic, usually dramatic and nostalgic movies with wonderful costumes of the 19th century. Got it?


The greatest human tragedies feeds Hollywood for more blockbusters! Modern cinema technologies present any great catastrophy more impressive than ever!


The Wild West has been a popular cinematic theme for decades. Gangs, Indians, Cowboys and Sheriffs are telling the history of the past-past century West America

World War 2

The most important period of modern history, providing inexhaustible facts and scenarios. WW2 is by far the main theme of war movies dedicated to all male viewers!


Obviously, right? Shot by teens for teens. This category includes also sex comedies, a popular kind of American cinema of the '90