The Clan (2015)

El Clan

Plot: The Puccios...? A model family! They are few, those that could match them. The father? A dignified man, (honest) storekeeper by trade, who cares about his five children, going as far as to supervise the homework of his youngest daughter. The mother? Both a dedicated teacher and a regular Martha Stewart. The children? Well-educated and promised to a bright future. Alejandro, for one, is already an admired rugby star. Except that... all this respectability is nothing but a smokescreen! The truth is that Arquimedes Puccio is also - and mainly - the tyrannical leader of a criminal gang composed of... his wife and children. Puccio's undercover activities ? Well, they consist in kidnapping rich people (preferably young), detaining them in his own house, torturing them gratuitously and doing away with them after cashing the ransom. The Puccios, a model family? Yes, but a model evil family!

Alternative Plot: The true story of the Puccio clan, a family with a dark secret lurking beneath their seemingly ordinary facade: they earn millions in ransom for the wealthy people they kidnap.

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