Exiled (2006)

Fong juk


Plot: The time is 1998. The setting is Macau. Every living soul jumps at every chance to make quick money before the Portuguese colony ushers in a new era under the Chinese rule. For the jaded hit men, they wonder where this journey will end. Against this backdrop come two hit men from Hong Kong sent to take out a renegade member trying to turn over a new leaf with his wife and newborn baby. They soon find themselves in the throes of a dilemma when two of their former associates also show up, intent on thwarting them at every cost.

Alternative Plot: Two hit men from Hong Kong go to Macau to kill a renegade member of their gang, who is trying to live within the law with his wife and new baby. They run into a problem completing their job when two fadversaries show up to stop them by any means at their disposal.

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