Blood and Black Lace (1964)

6 donne per l'assassino

Plot: When the model Isabella is murdered by a masked killer, the models of the fashion house managed by Countess Christina Como and her lover Max Morlan are shaken with the crime. The model Nicole finds Isabella's diary and late night she borrows the car of her friend Peggy Peyton and heads to the shop of her boyfriend Frank Sacalo to meet him. However, the masked killer follows Nicole and kills her expecting to find the journal. But Peggy had stolen the diary to destroy pages that compromises her and she is also murdered by the killer. Meanwhile, Inspector Sylvester has a list of suspects that includes Frank, who blackmails Marquis Richard Morell to give the necessary alibi to him. Who might be the killer and why the diary is so important to him?

Alternative Plot: A masked man with a metal-claw glove stalks models at a couple's (Cameron Mitchell, Eva Bartok) fashion salon in Rome.

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